Obtaining a Kitten
My wait list is full at this time. Check back here this Fall (2024) to see if I am adding anybody. I am now down to just Jolene as a breeding female.
Info on the kitten buying process:
We require that buyers of our kittens sign a contract with us. It protects the kitten, us and the buyer. Our contract guarantees that, at the time of purchase, the kitten is free of the various diseases that strike kittens and catteries, and that it is also free of worms and fleas. It guarantees the kitten is free of inherited defects as well, for up to a year. It also stipulates that the cat will not be declawed. Ragdolls are easily trained to scratch on appropriate posts and scratching pads. There is no need to mutilate their feet to prevent damage to your furniture. The buyer also agrees to give the kitten good quality food, to keep the cat inside, and to have regular vet care. We can provide a sample of the contract upon request.

Our pet and show/alter kittens are spayed/neutered prior to leaving our home. Although the majority of people are trustworthy and have every intention of neutering their new Ragdoll, some individuals have been known to buy a pet Ragdoll and then breed it without papers. Shelters alter kittens before they place them, and we, as breeders, should be as conscientious as shelters.

Breeders are sold to registered catteries only, and I must approve of the way they will be housed.
Our breeding cats have all tested negative for the HCM gene in Ragdolls, or their parents are both negative. Results are available upon request.
Our kittens are raised here in the house with us and the other cats and are given lots of socialization to get them ready for their new homes. At around twelve weeks old, the kittens are mature enough to be spayed or neutered and go to their new homes as soon as they have recovered from their surgery. By that time they are litter-trained, eating dry and canned cat food and have been introduced to the scratching pads. They also have received their ‘kitten vaccinations’. We have two large dogs who share the house with the kittens, so they become well socialized to dogs. However, my contract includes instructions on the proper way to introduce a small kitten to new dogs, and buyers with dogs are required to sign that they will follow those instructions.
Please email me at fossmtnfarm@msn.com for more information.