Alpaca Products

Alpacas’ function in this world is to produce fiber to be used in many different products.  Our alpacas produce bags of fiber every year that we have processed into yarn and other finished products that we sell at Fairs and out of our home.  Some of our products are shown below and we also have an online store.  Since our inventory varies by season, feel free to call us about anything you see that you like.  If we are out with the alpacas, leave a message and we’ll get right back to you.

Check out our online store: Foss Mountain Farm Alpaca Products


    We’ve shown our fleeces in order to get a judge’s view on the quality. Cracklin Rosie was a blue ribbon winner for her fleece – her second one in two years! The first time she won, she was at the halter show, so she herself, as well as the fleece, got photographed.

Cracklin_fleecebag    Cracklin_fleece


Krypton, our true black male, also did well in the fleece show arena.  He got a first place and Reserve Champion!  He also placed in the halter show.

‘New Hampshire Made’ Yarn

Our show-winning fleeces are almost always part of the clip that we send to a mini-mill to be made into yarn. All of our yarn is ‘New Hampshire Made’. The animals are raised and sheared in New Hampshire and we use Sallie’s Fen Fiber Mill in Barrington NH to make the yarn. The yarn is generally 3-ply worsted weight, sold in 4 oz skeins of around 200 yards. We also produce some bulky weight and DK weight yarns. We blend some of it into tweeds and twists, generally the brown with fawns and whites. We sell the yarn out of our home and at fairs and fiber events. Some of it is shown below. I dye some of the lighter colored yarns as well as the twists.

Skeins_0313    dyed_skeins_0313


American and Peruvian Made Products

Some of our fleeces are sent to the New England Alpaca Fiber Pool (NEAFP) in exchange for finished products like socks, scarves, gloves and hats – all made in the USA.  We also supplement our supply of products with Peruvian-made items.

Scarves, gloves from Neafp                                  Socks from Neafp & Peru

Neaf_scarves_gloves2    Socks_www


Teddy bears & hats from Peru                      Stuffed lions & ponies from Peru

Fur_hats    stuffed_animals

Our inventory varies with the season. Email us if there is anything you see here or if you have seen us at a Fair and want to know what we have in stock. If you are looking for dyed yarn, I can always dye to order.  Email:  Phone: 603-447-6548